I have looked at the website called 'Dafont' for ideas.
These are some fonts that appealed to us as a group:
Font one:
This is the first font we looked at, this font appealed to use because of its distorted look. It seems to look like its flickering in a way, which is often connected with our paranormal theme. Parts of the font are faded and look like they have been worn away which I think fits in well with our storyline.
Font two:
This font is very different to the first one, this one appealed to us because it was interesting and different. The drips look like blood which fits in well with our trailer but the only problem with this font is that it could easily give of the impression that our genre is horror due to the dripping blood.
Font three:
This font is much more simple than the other two fonts, it appealed to us because of its boldness making it stand out. The font has lines down it that make it look like it could of been sliced with a knife. This is good as it realtes to our film as one of our main props is a knife.
Font four:
This font follows the same sort of look as the other fonts we have already looked at within our group, again this font is eroded and looks jagged. As our trailer becomes fast towards the end I think the would look good and stand out.
Font five:
This font looks destroyed, it has a creepy look to it showing what sort of genre our trailer is. The writing is thin yet it is bold, it stands out to the eye. Although the writing is distorted, it is easy to read this is particularly important.
I liked all of these fonts because they are able to tell alot about the film and its genre before even looking at anything other that the font. Each font is different but they all have similarity's. They all have an eroded look to them, they are jagged and not particularly neat.
As a group we will need to decide which font will best represent our film.
After a group discussion we decided that font five this font was called Acid Label.
We chose this font as we felt it represented our film well.
We then had to decide what fonts we would be using for our magazine front cover our film poster and the other snippets of writing on our trailer. We met up as a group to make these decisions. After looking at different fronts on dafont and microsoft word we came up with our final fonts.
Here is a list explaining what fonts we will use and what sections these fonts will be used for. When we are creating our magazine front cover/trailer/poster we will refer to this list as a reminder.
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