Monday, 25 October 2010
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Music Choices
We will have lots of clips of the girls waiting in anticipation so its important that we put the correct sort of music along side.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Production label
After creating the logos charlotte presented us with these five drafts. After a group discussion we narrowed it down to two final ideas.
These are the two designs we narrowed it down to. We chose these two as we felt they were the most realistic. We had to think about our company as professional meaning we needed to ensure that our label design looked professional. Both of these designs have stars in them we feel this is again following suit it is a design you often see in production labels, for example "Star-line films" has a row of stars above the names and "Paramount" the title is enclosed by a circle of stars. The symbol of a star often represents glamour and fame. This is exactly what a production company wants to associated with, this is why we narrowed it down to the two designs that included stars. After another discussion we decided that the Design with the single star wasn't as eye catching as the design that was a circle of stars we also thought that the contrast of the black and white in the second design worked better so we came to the decision that this is the design we choose.
This is an enlarged image of the final design we chose.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Film Distributor
- Firstly the film distributor has to choose films they would and wouldn't like to distribute.
- They then need to decide how many prints to are going to make this will depend on its appeal. If they think the film will only have limited appeal they will only make a small number of prints.
- The next step the distributor has to deal with is negotiating and organising when and where the film will be released.
- The distributor has to ensure that the film is advertised so they then have to send round trailers and information about the film to cinemas.
- They also in charge of making sure the film is also publicised though: film posters, film trailers, press/TV advertising, press releases and so on.
The British market is dominated by six American distributors which is made up of:
- 20th Century Fox
- Universal
- Buena Vista
- Warner Brothers
These film distribution companies were responsible for 85% of British box office takings in 1999. The five majors primarily handle American films and have relationships with the key cinema chains and multiplexes in Britain. Warner Brothers is the only vertically integrated company of the five makin, distributing and exhibiting its own films, which overall means they retain maximum profits.
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Film poster
We ended up changing the name of our film during the drawings of these posters. I decided to continue and finish these drafts for planning reasons, but then me and my group members all went on to do one more draft of a film poster with our new name on it "Darkness Awakens"
These are three new Potential film posters:
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Film Magazine front covers
I have annotated around each of the designs to show what each part is.
It is important to ensure that each magazine included a:
- Main title- masthead
- Main image
- Bar-code
- Pictures of other films
These were just my two initial ideas, After deciding the name of our film I thought I would do one more design with the new Film Title. The other members of my group also did another design so again we had a selection.
These were our three final designs we were then left to choose from:
<- This is my final design for a magazine front cover. This front cover design is simple. I didn't want to make it to complex as it might look overcrowded and the reader may find it hard to work out.
Underneath that it says "film awards 2010 highlights" This is in a gold colour. I did it in gold as it was about awards and this colour usually is associated with awards. I also did it because it contrasts with the background and although its only a small feature it gives the reader something else to look at if the main article doesn't interest them.
<-Ellas final design for our magazine front cover.
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
This is Katie. Again she is not seen to be wearing alot of makeup. Her style is again casual which is what we are looking for. Katie has no experience in acting and this would be new to her. This is Imogen Clapp she again fits the criteria very well she has quite a dramatic/dark look. She again is wearing casual clothes in the picture. She has a different look to the other girls which could be a problem as we need to have the same sort style with each of the girls.
This is Annabelle Roberts. Annabelle appears to be wearing more makeup than the other girls but this could be made more natural if we decided to use her. Annabelle is enthusiatic and hard working so has potential for a role in our trailer.
This is Lizzie Hopkins. Lizzie again fits the criteria, she is very natural and has a good dress sense. Lizzie is in our close friendship group with benefits us as we would be able to contact and see her when needed for filming. This is Samantha Caunt. Samantha is an ex- drama student which will benefit us. Samantha is wearing more make-up but it is evenly done. She again has similar dress sense to the other girls which is good. I think Samantha has a very good look for what were looking for. Samanatha is very self motivated which is important for the tasks we would be setting her.
This Is Beth Joyce. Beth has a very glamorous star quality look to her. She is again in our close friendship group this being an advantage to us. In this image she is dressed up but for the film trailer we would pick more casual clothes for her.
<- This is Lucy Smith. Lucy is doing her second year in drama and very enthusiastic. Lucy is very girly but is naturally pretty wearing little make-up. Lucy follows the same sort of dress-sense that we have seen some of the other girls wearing this is useful as it would show there similar interests e.g. fashion. <- This is georgie Lewis. Georgie is extreammly co-operative and a good listener. I no that georgie would be happy to help and get involved. Gerogie has a bob which would be good as it would give variation in the girls hairstyle.
Ouija Board
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Final desicions - For setting
These are images of the three houses we might use:
- Will the woods be safe to film in at night.
- Are they to close to houses that the neighbours may complain is we are to loud?
- How local they are to the house we will be using as we need them to be easily accessible.
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Next stage's of planning our trailer
- Introduction
- Devlopment
- Complication
- climax
- resolution
We did this so that it gave an outline of what the film would be about if someone read it, it then makes it easier for the viewer to follow our trailer.
We looked at Tristan Todorow's theory to help with our synopsis.
Tristan Todorow's Theory- Stories begin with an equilibruim , meaning charecters excist in some kind of stable state. Then something happens to disturb that equilbrium. The action of the story ultimatly restores a state of equilbruim.
We mirrored this theorys conventions but just using different titles, we used this theory as it seemed logical.
Shot list: We as a group have created two potential shot lists each shot list will be pretty similar just some shots will be different giving us options.
Shot list one:
- Producer label flashes up
- Shot of car driving past - pan shot
- Text -"Starring Eleanor Failes"
- In car - in the style of found footage, Dialogue between the girls about the holiday
- Establishing shot of house as car arrives
- Girls walking into house dialogue between two girls about the house
- Text "Lets play a game"
- Shot of them clinking shot glasses (Ouija board visible underneath)
- start Ouija board - one girl pretends to be possessed
- girl shows she joking - other girls gets angry and throws board on floor - dialogue
- phone rings- girls look shocked
- Text- "if your brave enough"
- Girl answers phone - white noise coming from phone
- slams down phone
- girls all look at each other
- lights turn of girls scream - 2 second silence
- Flashing shot of girl running up stairs looking frightened
- Girl grabbing knife (flustered)
- Door slams and girl trys to open it (dialogue)
- Girl running through woods away from us
- In the style of point of view- girl running through woods
- Girls trips and falls to the ground
- In the style of point of view- close up of her face as she screams "somebody help me"
- Text- Title appears
- Text- "do you wanna play" - tag line appears
- Text -Date release
Shot list two:
- Producer label flashes up
- Shot of car coming up the road
- Text -"Starring Eleanor Failes"
- In car - in the style of found footage, Dialogue between the girls about the holiday as they pull into the driveway
- Establishing shot of house
- Girls walking into house dialogue between two girls about the house
- Text "Lets play a game"
- Shot of girls pouring drinks(Ouija board visible next to the glasses)
- start Ouija board - one girl pretends to see something out the window
- girl shows she joking - other girls gets angry and throws board on floor - dialogue
- Door slams- girls look shocked
- Text- "if your brave enough"
- Girl go to investigate
- door slams again
- girls all look at each other
- lights flicker of girls scream - 2 second silence
- Flashing shot of girl running down stairs looking frightened
- Girl grabbing knife (flustered)
- girl being pulled from under bed
- Girl running through woods away from us
- In the style of point of view- girl running through woods
- Girls enclosed into a corner by the 'spirit'
- In the style of point of view- close up of her face as she screams "what are you?"
- Text- Title appears
- Text- "do you wanna play" - tag line appears
- Text -Date release
We came to the deicision we would use Shot List one this is purely because this shot list made a better story line than shot list two. We thought it was more convincing and explained our ideas better. The next stage for this section that will be done is the story board.
Name of our film and why we chose it:
We have named our film 'Darkness Awakens' we were originally indecisive of what to call our film and these are some of the names we though of:
-Tupwood Gate
-Norwood Lodge
-Paranormal Forces
-Darkness Awakens
We chose darkness awakens as we felt it stood out the most, we could imagine buying a film with that name. We felt all the other film names were unconvincing.
We created the name "Darkness awakens" as the word Darkness- is often related to evil. As our film is about spirits this fits in well, and Awakens relates to the Ouija board as Ouija board awakens spirits.
Friday, 1 October 2010
Theory's that we have used to help create our film trailer
Feminist theory: To choose our cast we will be looking at the feminist theory, we will be working partly with and partly against this theory. Budd Boetticher summarises the view: "What counts is what the heroine provokes, or rather what she represents. She is the one, or rather the love or fear she inspires in the hero, or else the concern he feels for her, who makes him act the way he does. In herself the woman has not the slightest importance." Here is where our trailer breaks the theory because in fact our trailer has no male role parts in it for our female characters to be second to. However we would like our trailer to run with st least part of the feminist theory. This is Laura Mulveys section.
Laura Mulvey: Laura Mulvey states " In their traditional exhibitionist role women are simultaneously looked at and displayed with their appearance coded for strong visual impact" - Our trailer mirrors this theory as we have picked conventionally good looking girls to be in our trailer as we feel it will appeal to more.
Actions codes/ enigma codes-
Uses and Gratifications-
Allocating Tasks
For us to work successfully as a team we are allocating tasks for each member to do to ensure we all contribute evenly to the final production. Obviously we will complete some tasks as a group but we all need to complete tasks independently so that it is apparent to onlookers that we have different roles in the production.
Task list and who is completeting each task:
- Setting: Completed as a group - I am taking the images of potential settings.
- Synopsis: Completed as a group.
- Shot List- Two drafts completed as a group, decision on the shot list we use completed as a group.
- Cast: Images-Each potential cast member will have there picture taken by me
- Cast: Final cast used- The cast that is then picked to be in our film will be decided on by us as a group.
- Film magazine front covers: Each member of the group will draw up two drafts of the magazine front cover, then they will each draw up a final draft which we will then decide which one we will actually use as our magazine front cover.
- Film poster: Each member of the group will draw up two drafts of the film poster, then they will each draw up final draft which we will then go on to decide which one we will actually use as our film poster.
- Production label- Charlotte will create a selection of potential production labels, then as a group we will decide on the final one.
- Story board- This will be drawn up by Ella
- Pictures- All Pictures will be taken by Beth