I asked sixteen students within my school to complete my questionnaire, I made sure that the ages of the people I asked ranged from between 15- 19 as this will be my target audience. I asked each Student to circle one genre. Six of the students circled two answers as the liked each genre equally. This left me with 22 results.
My results showed comedy and thriller were the most popular genres. I did this questionnaire in order to find out what genre most appeals to the age range I want my trailer to be for. It is important that I picked a Genre that my audience will enjoy. I also did this task as I was indecisive of what genre to choose and this has helped me make my decision.
Seeing the trailers and looking at my results has helped me make a final decision on the Genre I am going to pick, and the genre I have chosen is Thriller.
After doing this questionnaire and deciding my genre would be thriller, I decided to hand out a more in depth questionnaire on the genre thriller.
Here is the questionnaire i handed out:
I asked various questions about the genre, what the genre means to them, how they hear about the films, film posters and film trailers.
I handed this questionnaire out to 10 people in the age range of 15-19to get a variety of results. I also asked a variety of ages so that my results varied. I kept the questionees names anonymous so that they felt more comfortable answering the questionnaire.
Analyzing the answers:
Question one- what does the word thriller mean to you?
The general answer I got from people was a list of deciding words such as, exciting, gripping, action, scary, adventurous, jumpy, scary. This shows what people expect from a trailer. Meaning it is important that our trailer includes some if not all of these aspects.
Question two- what are your two favourite thriller films?
For this question I received a list of recent thriller films. Most of the films they wrote down were actually action thriller. This will be good for me if we decide to go with that sub genre as we can look at these trailers to get ideas, but we haven't chosen our sub genre yet.
Question 3- where do you prefer to watch thrillers?
30% answered 'cinema', 40% answered 'at a Friends' and the remaining 30% answered 'in your own home'. I asked this question as I was intrigued to see where people prefer to watch this genre of film. These answers may have varied if the genre i was asking about was for example comedy.
Question 4-How do you usually hear about new thriller films that our coming out?
Most of the respondents ticked more that one answer, these were the results: 5 people ticked 'word of mouth', 6 people ticked 'watching movie trailers', 2 people ticked 'seeing posters for the film', 1 person ticked 'Internet' and none of my respondents ticked 'Internet'. 6 people was the most ticks I got and that was for 'watching movie trailers' this shows that this is how most people find out about new films. This shows that its very important that the trailer is appealing to the audience.
Question 5- What makes you enjoy a thriller film?
Most respondents put either the twist, the suspense or the action. This means that we should try and make our trailer have all of these aspects so that the viewers anticipates the film.
Question 6-What helps you make the choice of what thriller movies do and don't want to see?
1 person answered 'box office draw', 6 people answered 'nothing in particular', 2 people answered 'the producer and animation team' and one person answered 'the genre itself'. This shows that most people just go and see what they feel like and are not attracted to a film by any of these things. Instead they might be attracted by watching the trailer or seeing the poster.
Question 7- what do you want and expect to see in a trailer?
one person answere 'some good clips of the film, but not the best bits so they dont ruin the film' - this is important we dont include the main bits of our story as not to ruin the film. Another person said 'something to entice me' meaning we need to make our film trailer attractive to the onlookers.
Question 8- What kind of information would you like to see on a film poster?
These are the answers i got: main charecters, dates, the title, the producer, the director, famous actors, nominations, rating star. This is important that when we come to design our film poster we include all of these.
Doing this questionairre has allowed me to collect further information on my genre. It has also allowed us to decide on what age rating our film is going to be. As all of the respondents were between 15-19 we are going to make fifteen our age rating. This sort of genre really appeals to this age range as it is exciting.
I will now go on to do further research by myself of the genre Thriller, the other members of my group will also do their own research to ensure that we have a large range of ideas.
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